Sunday, October 9, 2011

New Car and.....Potheads?

I now have my 2004 Honda Civic LX on the road. It feels amazing. The license and registration and insurance is all taken care of.

Everyone asks how it feels to finally have the freedom to drive now, and I tell them every time that it feels amazing, because I no longer rely on other people. Of course it makes you feel independent and that you are not needing other people to drive you around, but I just feel way better because I don't have to make them work around me. I no longer have to be THAT guy, needing a ride to somewhere and making the other people go out of their way to help me out. I knew this before I got behind the wheel too, but it is much more noticeable now that I drive. Most people behind the wheel should not have a license and are self absorbed.

I now have a reason to work more and more. Having this sense of responsibility and having important bills to pay is a step in the right direction. It feels lame to be at this point of responsibility so late in life, but it makes me feel better knowing that people that are at a point of no return and will forever be in the position that they are in. The more I think about that, the common factor is that they smoke weed. I can't stand smoking in any sense, but pot smokers take the cake in thinking that they are better than others. As funny as it sounds, there is a pot smoker arrogance about them.

I work with one pot head in particular. He is not a bad person, I don't think he would have any ill will towards anyone unless severely provoked, but his pot head attitude about everything makes me despise him. He constantly is saying/doing things for attention. He is like a walking Snapple bottle cap. He'll toss out random weird facts and consider himself a genius because he told you something you didn't know. He also acts very, very, immature. That's a lot coming from me, I still laugh at inopportune farts and funny faces. He has no filter of when to joke around and when not to.

My job is far from important, but I feel no matter the job you do, always do your best and keep it professional. Him showing up for a shift high as a giraffes asshole and expecting me not to get mad, boggles my mind. His eyes glazed over, his posture slumped, his speech very slow and in his hands is a nice big package of BBQ ribs. 30 mins of slurping and finger licking and he is finally done and just sits down not doing anything. He and other pot heads I know, think that no one notices but in reality, they stick out like a sore thumb. I don't give a fugg what you do outside of work, as long as you don't do it here, and that it does not effect you during the job....

The whole pot head POV(point of view) is that every thing is okay, and people shouldn't get so mad over things and relax. "Everything is so small when you look at the big picture, you should not get so mad over small things," except when you do something that you think is not a big deal, but it could possibly get me in trouble, it is a big deal. When you kiss a fellow male co-worker on the neck and stroke their backs ONLY to provoke some sort of response, it comes off very badly to other people.  Maybe making bird noises for 30 seconds to a full minute might be a better idea? Yes, he had done that a few months back. He continued making bird noises until I turned around and looked at him, to which he replied, "What? It's Kazooie." (referencing a video game from 10 years ago) The whole time while he was doing it, I just kept telling myself he'd stop soon and not give him the satisfaction of a reaction, but I caved after a minute. It truly is harmless things that he does, but it's his attitude towards you after you tell him he shouldn't be doing it. Just that I am uptight and I am getting mad over nothing.

I have a lot of pot smoking friends, not necessarily pot heads, but they do smoke it semi-regularly. A lot f them wonder why I am so against it. It effects everyone differently, yes, but when you smoke it, it puts you in the same category as the pot heads that smoke it. A pot head stereotype. "It's not addictive" Neither is alcohol, but these alcoholics must be faking their addiction to it, right? "It's natural, it doesn't harm people." Smoking anything will not be good for your lungs. Compared to cigarettes, it is an angel. "Alcohol is legalized and worse than pot. Pot does not effect you the same way." Obviously not, but pot will still effect you in ways where you should  not be operating a vehicle or any machinery, and saying that you want to legalize another way to "get fugged up" makes no sense. People act as if it does not effect them at all in any way, when it obviously does.

I don't have the patience to write out more about my hate for pot and annoying co workers, so I shall end this now. One day I will write out a list of things that this kid does.

If you actually do read these posts, let me state again, I write this as it comes to me. I do small edits if I do not like something but I don't correct everything as if it were an essay I'd hand in to college, so forgive my mistakes.

P.S. This initially was supposed to be about life right now and my new car but evolved into something completely different!

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